We work closely with fire districts to help them manage various aspects of their Length of Service Awards Programs (LOSAPs) for volunteer firefighters. Management of LOSAPs requires a special understanding of the needs of the fire district as well as the needs of the municipalities that they serve. While financial markets may at times be volatile, municipalities can be exposed to funding constraints depending on their tax base. We therefore, vigilantly monitor the performance of the underling investments and reposition the portfolio in an attempt to minimize underperformance in down markets, thereby lessening the possibility of underfunding the LOSAP. We also assist fire districts in drafting and revising their investment policy statement in order to be compliant with state requirements. The firefighters volunteer their time and energy in order serve their community in times of need and they deserve to be rewarded for their bravery. Additionally, a LOSAP helps Emergency Service Organizations attract volunteers so that the community has enough emergency volunteers to meet demands.